1 2 3 4 5 6 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 7 Special Session 8 Friday, April 27, 2001 9 9:00 a.m. 10 Commissioners' Courtroom 11 Kerr County Courthouse 12 Kerrville, Texas 13 14 15 KERR COUNTY HERITAGE DAY 16 17 18 19 PRESENT: FREDERICK L. HENNEKE, Kerr County Judge * MITCHELL DICKINSON, Shadow Official 20 H. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 21 * ILDA ALVA, Shadow Official 22 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 * JAKE ASBURY, Shadow Official 23 LARRY GRIFFIN, Commissioner Pct. 4 24 * PEPE BARRERA, Shadow Official 25 ABSENT: WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner Pct. 2 2 1 On Friday, April 27th, 2001, at 9:00 a.m., a special 2 meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in 3 the Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr County Courthouse, 4 Kerrville, Texas, and the following proceedings were had in 5 open court: 6 P R O C E E D I N G S 7 JUDGE HENNEKE: Good morning, everyone, and 8 welcome to Kerr County Heritage Day. I'll call to order 9 this special meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court. 10 Let the record reflect that a quorum is present. 11 First order of business is to consider and 12 discuss recognition of shadow government -- county 13 government officials from Hunt School. And I believe, as we 14 proceed, let me read the list of the students and the 15 positions they'll be filling this morning. We have, as the 16 County Judge, Mitchell Dickinson. Commissioner Precinct 1, 17 Ilda Alva. Commissioner Precinct 3, Jake Asbury. 18 Commissioner Precinct 4, Pepe Barrera. Sheriff, Kamryn 19 Cammack. County Court at Law Judge, Megan Connally. 20 Special Master Judge, Carlos Acosta. Tax 21 Assessor/Collector, Zach Domingue. County Clerk, Hannah 22 Faust. Treasurer, Lili Flores. County Attorney, Deen 23 Howell. J.P. 1, Erica Porter. J.P. 2, Cameron Ray. J.P. 24 3, Jorge Sotelo. And Constable Precinct 2, Chris Wick. 25 So, do I have a motion to recognize those 3 1 students as shadow officials on this day, April the 27th? 2 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: So moved. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 4 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 5 Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Letz, that the 6 aforementioned students be shadow officials on this 7 April 27th, Year 2001, Kerr County Heritage Day. Do I have 8 any further comments or questions? If not, all in favor, 9 raise your right hand. 10 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 11 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 12 (No response.) 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: At this time, we need 14 Mitchell Dickinson, Ilda Alva, Jake Asbury, and Pepe Barrera 15 to come up. 16 (Discussion off the record.) 17 JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. Sit down. Next order 18 of business is going to be to adopt a resolution declaring 19 this to be Kerr County Heritage Day, and you're in charge 20 now. So, here's a copy for each of the officials. Why 21 don't you ask one of your County Commissioners to read the 22 resolution? 23 JUDGE DICKINSON: One of them? 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: Yep. 25 JUDGE DICKINSON: Jake? 4 1 JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. Read the resolution. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Whereas... 3 COMMISSIONER ASBURY: "Whereas, Governor 4 Elijah M. Pease signed legislation in January 1856 creating 5 Kerr County, Texas" -- 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: And whereas... 7 COMMISSIONER ASBURY: "our forefathers 8 endured hardships and struggles to settle Kerr County; 9 and" -- 10 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Whereas. 11 COMMISSIONER ASBURY: -- "whereas, it is 12 important that we remember and learn about our history; 13 whereas, it is fitting and proper that the week of April 21 14 through 27 be recognized as Country Government Week and that 15 we honor the history of Kerr County, Texas." 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. Now, therefore... 17 MR. JACOBS: "Now, therefore, be it resolved 18 by the Kerr County Commissioners Court that April 27th, 19 2001, is and shall be declared Kerr County Heritage Day." 20 JUDGE HENNEKE: Ask if there's any questions 21 or comments. 22 JUDGE DICKINSON: Is there any questions or 23 comments? 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Go get them, 25 Commissioner. Go get them. 5 1 JUDGE DICKINSON: Is there anyone in the 2 audience to make a comment? 3 AUDIENCE: You're a great Commissioner, 4 Mitchell. 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: He's the Judge. 6 AUDIENCE: Oops. Murder me. 7 JUDGE DICKINSON: If there's no other, motion 8 to adopt the resolution. 9 COMMISSIONER ASBURY: So moved. 10 COMMISSIONER BARRERA: So moved -- second. 11 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner Alva, 12 second by Commissioner -- say it. 13 (Discussion off the record.) 14 JUDGE DICKINSON: Moved by Commissioner 15 Precinct 1, Jake Asbury -- Commissioner Precinct 3, and 16 Commissioner Precinct -- Pepe Barrera, Commissioner Precinct 17 4. 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: Say, "We have a motion and 19 second." 20 (Discussion off the record.) 21 JUDGE DICKINSON: All the -- all in favor of 22 the resolution, please raise your right hand. 23 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Unanimous vote, first 25 time out. Good. 6 1 JUDGE DICKINSON: Motion carries. 2 JUDGE HENNEKE: All right. 3 (Applause.) 4 JUDGE HENNEKE: Now, sign your name right 5 there. 6 JUDGE DICKINSON: Cursive? 7 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Cursive. 8 COMMISSIONER LETZ: All of y'all get to sign 9 it. 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: Pass it over to Commissioner 11 Alva, and you keep signing. 12 (Discussion off the record.) 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: Sign your name. Pass it over 14 to Commissioner Alva. 15 (Discussion off the record.) 16 JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. We'll give this to Ms. 17 Este and she'll hold on to them for you all. Now, is there 18 any more business to come before you today? 19 JUDGE DICKINSON: No, sir. 20 JUDGE HENNEKE: We're adjourned, right? 21 JUDGE DICKINSON: Yes, sir. 22 JUDGE HENNEKE: Say, "We're adjourned." 23 JUDGE DICKINSON: We're adjourned. 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: We are adjourned. 25 (Discussion off the record.) 7 1 (Commissioners Court adjourned at 9:15 a.m.) 2 - - - - - - - - - - 3 4 5 6 7 STATE OF TEXAS | 8 COUNTY OF KERR | 9 The above and foregoing is a true and complete 10 transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as 11 County Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, 12 Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. 13 DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this 30th day of April, 14 2001. 15 16 17 JANNETT PIEPER, Kerr County Clerk 18 BY: _________________________________ Kathy Banik, Deputy County Clerk 19 Certified Shorthand Reporter 20 21 22 23 24 25