1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 9 Regular Session 10 Friday, July 6, 2001 11 9:00 a.m. 12 Commissioners' Courtroom 13 Kerr County Courthouse 14 Kerrville, Texas 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRESENT: FREDERICK L. HENNEKE, Kerr County Judge H. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 24 WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 25 LARRY GRIFFIN, Commissioner Pct. 4 2 1 I N D E X July 6, 2001 2 PAGE 3 --- Commissioners Comments 3 4 1.1 Pay Bills 10 1.2 Budget Amendments 12 5 1.3 Late Bills 31 1.4 Read and Approve Minutes 34 6 7 2.1 Appointment of election judges and alternates for county elections 35 8 2.2 Extend invitation to South Texas County Judges 9 & Commissioners Association to conduct its 2003 meeting in Kerrville & make formal presentation 10 to Site Selection Committee 36 11 2.3 Allocation of storage space in lower basement annex 38 12 2.6 Approve & adopt Interim Fee Schedule for O.S.S.F. 13 real estate transfers 43 14 2.5 Create Justice Court Technology Fund in accordance with House Bill 177 50 15 2.8 PUBLIC HEARING - Road name changes in Precincts 16 1 & 2 in accordance with Kerr 9-1-1 guidelines 54 17 2.9 Adoption of road name changes discussed in public hearing above 59 18 2.4 Proposed preliminary timeline for Kerrville South 19 Wastewater Project, division of responsibilities 62 20 2.7 Resolution to request State of Texas to declare 0.028 acres in city of Ingram surplus to needs 21 of the state, quitclaim property to abutting landowner 65 22 --- Adjourned 68 23 --- Reporter's Certificate 69 24 25 3 1 On Friday, July 6, 2001, at 9 a.m., a regular meeting 2 of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in the 3 Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr County Courthouse, Kerrville, 4 Texas, and the following proceedings were had in open court: 5 P R O C E E D I N G S 6 JUDGE HENNEKE: Good morning, everyone. It's 7 9 o'clock in the morning on Friday, July the 6th, Year 2001. 8 We will convene this irregular regular session of the Kerr 9 County Commissioners Court. Commissioner Letz, I believe 10 you have the honors this morning. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Would everyone please 12 stand? 13 (Prayer and pledge of allegiance.) 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: At this time, any citizen 15 wishing to address the Court on an item which is not listed 16 on the regular agenda may come forward and do so. Is there 17 any citizen who would like to address the Court on an item 18 not listed on the regular agenda? 19 (No response.) 20 JUDGE HENNEKE: One more time, is there any 21 citizen who would like to address the Court on an item not 22 listed on the regular agenda? Seeing none, we'll move to 23 the Commissioners' Comments. Commissioner Letz? 24 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think I only have one 25 comment today, and it's to offer additional prayers to a 4 1 young man in our community, Jordan Anders, who was in a 2 serious car accident, last week, I guess. And, he's in the 3 hospital, Pediatric ICU at Wilford Hall at the moment. He's 4 probably going to be moved to Santa Rosa. Looks like he's 5 going to be all right, but he does have some pretty massive 6 head injuries, working through that. He s a 16-year-old. 7 Summer job, big rollover accident. We don't know what 8 happened. But, anyway, if everyone would just offer prayers 9 for the Anders family. 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: Thank you. Commissioner 11 Griffin? 12 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Nothing this morning. 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: Commissioner Baldwin? 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I 15 just wanted to bring up one thing. I wanted to encourage 16 our Court to think about -- I personally believe it's time 17 for us to start thinking along the lines of getting -- this 18 Court getting with the City Council and start just talking 19 about and visiting about our relationship with Mooney 20 Aircraft. I'm definitely -- certainly not one to get into 21 the private sector, but the taxpayers of this county have 22 elected us to represent them and -- and their holdings, and 23 that property out there is City/County property, and -- and 24 some of our citizens are being affected by some things, and 25 I just think that we kind of need to look over our 5 1 agreements and contracts with Mooney and -- and possibly 2 start looking down the road and see -- I hope they pull out 3 and everything is fine, but just in case, I think it would 4 be a good idea to have a plan in place. And, I echo 5 Commissioner Letz' thought about the young man. We do need 6 to pray for him; there's some pretty serious business going 7 on with him. That's all. 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: Commissioner Williams? 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Only thing I would 10 add would be kind of a follow-up on what Commissioner Letz 11 said. Some other people to remember in their prayers are 12 the family of those two ladies that were murdered. They 13 need a lot of support; moral support, prayer support. 14 That's a petty difficult situation. 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: I will remind everyone that 16 we'll be back on schedule for our next meeting, which will 17 be Monday, July 23rd. We do have a public hearing scheduled 18 for 4 o'clock that afternoon on the redistricting for the 19 Kerr County Commissioners' precincts. As everyone knows, 20 we've accepted a map from Sylvia Arredondo, which was 21 prepared by the William Velasquez Institute, which is 22 their -- that individual's preference for the Commissioner 23 precinct lines. I have sent that map to our consultants in 24 Austin to ask them to evaluate the map against the criteria 25 that were adopted by the Court. The map will be back into 6 1 Kerrville hopefully on Monday, and will be once again 2 available for public viewing. That map, plus the map which 3 the Bickerstaff Heath firm produces, will be the two maps 4 that the -- that, according to the criteria and the other 5 requirements we adopted, would be the subject of the public 6 hearing on July 23rd. 7 We will schedule a vote on the maps for 8 immediately after the public hearing. Again, in keeping 9 with our timetable, we've committed ourselves to having this 10 process completed, if at all possible, August 1st, so that 11 the Justice Department preclearance can be obtained on a 12 timely basis. So, for -- just for everyone to keep in mind 13 the timetable on the redistricting, once again, the 14 Velasquez Institute map will be back and once again be 15 available for public viewing beginning next week. 16 Unfortunately, we discovered in the course of our 17 conversations over this map that there's no place in 18 Kerrville we can get it copied in color. And, to have it 19 copied in black and white wouldn't do any good for us, 20 because it's impossible -- very difficult to distinguish the 21 lines when it's in black and white. So, we're -- one of the 22 reasons we sent it to Austin was they have the capability of 23 getting it copied over there. 24 So, we will have at least five or six copies 25 available next week. We will have one at the County Clerk's 7 1 office, as well as one on display here in the Commissioners 2 and Judge's suite, and people will be able to look at those 3 and ask any questions they might want to. So, everyone 4 please keep in mind that timetable. Also, the next day, 5 July 24, we'll start our budget workshops, according to the 6 schedule which the Court adopted at the last hearing. 7 Anybody have any questions on that? 8 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have a question on 9 tweaking the first map, the Bickerstaff map. I know I've 10 been to Austin; I know Bill's been to Austin, and they also 11 are aware that I can't tell them to change the map and Bill 12 can't tell them to change the map. How do we go about 13 making some minor adjustments to it? Is it just done at our 14 hearing? Or should we just talk to him and say, you like -- 15 is it -- I've talked to Commissioner Baldwin about an area 16 that -- you know, a possible minor change there. I talked 17 to Commissioner Williams about an area between he and I. I 18 mean, what do you -- how do we proceed to get a map up here 19 that we can actually all agree on by making some changes and 20 moving some lines, just mainly to accommodate neighborhoods 21 more than anything else? 22 JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, I think the appropriate 23 way to do it is what you've just described. Two 24 Commissioners get together and determine that the proposed 25 boundary between their precincts should be tweaked, and 8 1 allow that tweaking to be done, and then when the map is 2 presented, we should -- we should consider the map that the 3 Commissioners are most comfortable with and then take public 4 comment, and then we'll have the opportunity to amend it 5 based on the public comment. If you're going to do that, 6 though, I would encourage you to do that as early as 7 possible next week, because we need that final map here as 8 well for the public to have the opportunity to view and 9 comment upon. 10 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's my sense of it 11 too, Jonathan, in looking and talking to them yesterday, 12 that if you and I agreed on some of these tweaking changes, 13 and those changes don't -- don't alter the deviant to any 14 significant degree, then, you know, they're willing to 15 present that for the Court's formal approval. Which means 16 you and I better get on the phone this afternoon after this 17 meeting. 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: Larry? 19 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I was just going to 20 say that if you do that, I understood your question was -- 21 was that the consultants may not accept that change from 22 you. Is that the case? 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Well, I think -- 24 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Would they do that? 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, I think they 9 1 will, in the case -- if I represent that Jonathan and I 2 agreed to certain changes on our boundary. 3 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Good. 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: If they found out 5 later that he and I didn't agree and I asked for the 6 changes, that would be a different ball game. But, if I 7 represent that the two of us don't have a problem on a 8 particular change and it doesn't affect the deviants and the 9 percentages on the bottom to any significant extent, then 10 they're willing to present that back to us and explain to 11 them what they did on our behalf. That was my 12 understanding. 13 COMMISSIONER LETZ: And, I mean, the changes 14 that I -- I know I've talked to them; I presume Bill or 15 others have talked to them. It mainly is to keep the 16 deviation where they need to be, protect the minority 17 population as being -- Precinct 3 being the minority 18 precinct, or predominantly minority precinct, then trying to 19 keep neighborhoods together and streets together, rather 20 than have the end of a road at one precinct and the whole 21 rest of the road in another. Those types of changes are 22 what I've looked at, and they're pretty minor; moving a few 23 streets here, a few streets there. 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. With that, let's move 25 along. Let's pay -- 10 1 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, may I make 2 another comment? 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: Yes, you may, Commissioner, 4 certainly. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I wanted to remind 6 everyone that next week is the annual conference for the 7 South Texas Judges and Commissioners Association, which 8 we're -- by law, we're required to go to to obtain our hours 9 so that we be certified folks. And -- but the important 10 part of it I think is interesting is, this Commissioners 11 Court is extremely active in that, as some of us are serving 12 on committees and some of us are making presentations. So, 13 Kerr County is a large part of the -- the conference, 14 itself. So, I'm -- I want to thank you guys very much for 15 being willing to serve and -- and help me out down there. 16 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: When do we get our 17 check? 18 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: You should have 19 already gotten it. It's in the mail, pal. 20 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: You've gotten all 21 you're going to get. 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. 23 JUDGE HENNEKE: Anything else? Okay. Let's 24 move forward. Let's pay some bills. Tommy? Anyone have 25 any questions or comments on the bills as presented? 11 1 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I do. Not on this 2 particular bill, but I have a question on bills in general. 3 I was thumbing through here, and I see some that we owe H2O 4 Specialists, and the fellow that owns that company stopped 5 me on the street the other day and jumped me pretty hard 6 about that we owe him, from this facility here, a fairly 7 large sum of money. And -- 8 MR. TOMLINSON: That's -- 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- number one, I did 10 not enjoy that visit very much. 11 MR. TOMLINSON: I think that's a contractor 12 problem. We didn't -- we didn't contract -- the County did 13 not contract with him individually. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. Well, and I 15 understand that. I just wanted to -- I wanted to check with 16 you to make sure. Now I need to -- I know where I need to 17 go to find that out. Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Move we pay the 19 bills. 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 22 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 23 Williams, seconded by Commissioner Letz, that the Court 24 authorize payment of the bills as recommended and presented 25 by the Auditor. Any further questions or comments? If not, 12 1 all in favor, raise your right hand. 2 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 4 (No response.) 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Do we have 6 any budget amendments? 7 MR. TOMLINSON: Oh, yes. 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: Only 12. Item Number 1 9 relates to Maintenance. 10 MR. TOMLINSON: Yes. It's that time of year. 11 Okay. The first one is -- is actually for three 12 departments. It's for Courthouse and Related Buildings, 13 Parks Maintenance, and the Youth Exhibition Center. First 14 part of it is to transfer from Group Insurance out of the 15 Youth Exhibition Center to Parks Maintenance of $1,938.24, 16 and then transfer $4,000 from Major Repairs in Courthouse 17 and Related Buildings to Supplies in that department. And, 18 the last part of it is to transfer $500 from Overtime to 19 Contract Fees in the Youth Exhibition Center. I do have a 20 late bill that I -- that I need a hand check for, and it's 21 to Forrest Allen for $100 for two days of contract work at 22 the Ag Barn. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 24 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Second. 13 1 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner Letz, 2 seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court authorize 3 Budget Amendment Request Number 1 and authorize a hand check 4 in the amount of $100 to Forrest Allen for the labor at the 5 Youth Exhibition Center. Any further questions or comments? 6 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I have a question. 7 The Supplies item, what happened there that we -- what kind 8 of supplies are we talking about? And what -- since we 9 obviously underbudgeted. 10 MR. TOMLINSON: Glenn is here. 11 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: What kind of supplies 12 are we talking about there? Is that cleaning supplies or is 13 it -- 14 MR. HOLEKAMP: Yeah, all supplies, whether it 15 be cleaning or -- primary cleaning or light bulbs or -- 16 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Whatever. 17 MR. HOLEKAMP: -- any type of supplies. 18 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: So, this is going to 19 be looked at during the budget process to see if we really 20 had enough in there? 21 MR. HOLEKAMP: Yes, sir. 22 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: That's my only 23 question. 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further comments or 25 questions? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 14 1 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 2 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 3 (No response.) 4 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number two 5 is for Constable, Precinct 2. 6 MR. TOMLINSON: Yes. This is a request from 7 the constable to transfer $50 from Postage to Training 8 School. I have a -- a late bill attached to this that I 9 need a hand check for, and it's for -- to the Texas Justice 10 Court Training Center. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So moved. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 14 Williams, second by Commissioner Baldwin, that the Court 15 approve Budget Amendment Request Number 2 and authorize a 16 hand check in the amount of $50 payable to the Texas Justice 17 Court Training Center. Any further questions or comments? 18 If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 19 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 20 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 21 (No response.) 22 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number 3 is 23 for the Tax Assessor/Collector. 24 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. We had a bill for 25 her -- her crime renewal policy, and it was $250. There was 15 1 $241 remaining in that line item. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 3 MR. TOMLINSON: So I moved $9 from 4 Miscellaneous to Bonds and Insurance. 5 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 6 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner Letz, 7 second by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court authorize 8 approval of Budget Amendment Request Number 3. Any further 9 questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your 10 right hand. 11 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 13 (No response.) 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number 4 is 15 for the 198th District Court. 16 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. This is for the Jury 17 Fund in the 198th District Court, and I'm going to request a 18 transfer of $203 from Board for Jurors to Court Interpreters 19 line item. 20 COMMISSIONER LETZ: What is board for jurors? 21 MR. TOMLINSON: It's for meals when they -- 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Oh, board. 23 MR. TOMLINSON: For juries. 24 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I wondered what we wanted 25 boards for. So moved. 16 1 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 2 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner Letz, 3 seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court approve 4 Budget Amendment Request Number 4. Any further questions or 5 comments? 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Comment, that we're 7 seeing a lot more interpreter stuff going on in the last few 8 months. 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: That's very true. Any 10 further questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise 11 your right hand. 12 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 14 (No response.) 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number 5 is 16 for County Court at Law and 198th District Court. 17 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. This is a request to 18 transfer $2,154.25 from the Court-Appointed Attorneys line 19 item in the 198th District Court to the County Court at Law 20 Court-Appointed Attorney line item. 21 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So moved. 22 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Third. 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 25 Williams, seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court 17 1 approve Budget Amendment Request Number 5. Any further 2 questions or comments? 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I do have a comment on 4 that. It seems that there's a lot more of jury trials -- or 5 certainly Court-appointed attorneys in County Court at Law, 6 so that's another area we really need to look at during 7 budget, because I don't recall having that many in prior 8 years. 9 MR. TOMLINSON: Yeah. That court is out of 10 money in almost every line item. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: They've had a real active 12 year, which is -- you know, I don't know the reason, but we 13 need to take a hard look at that whole department, their 14 budget. 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: Fair enough. Any further 16 questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your 17 right hand. 18 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 19 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 20 (No response.) 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number 6 is 22 for the Tax Assessor/Collector. 23 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. This -- this bill that 24 I have is for maintenance for -- for the image management 25 that -- for the imaging system that they purchased for the 18 1 Tax Collector, and it's for the period of 7/1 through 2 9/30/01, and it's for -- it's the item that we didn't 3 budget, because it was purchased during -- during the year. 4 So, I'm requesting a transfer of $801 from Nondepartmental 5 Contingency to Software Maintenance in the Tax Collector's 6 budget. 7 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Just a quick question. 8 Is that -- did you say this is a premium for services to 9 be -- 10 MR. TOMLINSON: It's regular quarterly 11 service. 12 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: It's a quarterly 13 service, okay. 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Is that a motion? 15 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. So moved. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 17 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 18 Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Letz, that the Court 19 approve Budget Amendment Request Number 6 for the Tax 20 Assessor/Collector. Any further questions or comments? If 21 not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 22 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 23 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 24 (No response.) 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number 7 19 1 relates to the County Jail and the Sheriff's Department. 2 MR. TOMLINSON: This is a request from the 3 Sheriff to transfer $4,084.84 from Radio Equipment line item 4 in the -- in the Sheriff's budget; $217.40 to Employee 5 Medical Exams, $476.71 to Uniforms, and $4,110.73 to 6 Prisoner Medical in the jail budget. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 8 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner Letz, 10 seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court approve 11 Budget Amendment Request Number 7. Any further questions or 12 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 13 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Comment -- or question. 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. 15 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Again, this is another 16 one that -- you know, during the budget process, we need to 17 really take a hard look at our prisoners that we're housing 18 from out of town. I'm assuming that some of these reasons 19 for these going over in some of these budget items, that 20 we're housing a lot more prisoners than we have in prior 21 years. We need to take a hard look at those to make sure 22 that we're actually making money on housing the prisoners. 23 SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: What we're doing, 24 especially Prisoner Medical, whenever you have one from 25 another county that's got medical expenses, we do bill that 20 1 county for those medical expenses, and that does get 2 reimbursed, but we're obligated to pay it first. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right, that's what I'm 4 saying. If we could look at some sort of accounting on 5 these things, to when we're going over our budgeted amount. 6 But we're getting -- 'cause the reimbursement's going to go 7 back to the General Fund; we never really see that, so we 8 just kind of need to keep track of that so we can say, 9 "Sure, our Prisoner Medical was way up, but we were 10 reimbursed 'X' thousand dollars of that." 11 SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: Prisoner Medical has 12 been a question that the County Judge, the County Attorney, 13 and I have -- and the hospital's been working on pretty 14 steadily now for the last several months, and we're trying 15 to make some headway on cutting a lot of that out. Can't 16 control it at this point. 17 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Which raises kind of 18 an interesting sequential question. Are reimbursements from 19 these various counties coming in as they should? 20 MR. TOMLINSON: Well, I -- we haven't had a 21 problem collecting the money. I mean, that's been -- 22 counties will pay. 23 SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: And, you know, a lot of 24 the out-of-county housing, just like this week alone, 25 Bandera has already sent 11 more inmates over here; they've 21 1 cut theirs down. We're pretty much doing their entire jail 2 right now, so -- but, yeah, we're doing well on it. It's 3 just reimbursements take a while on medical to get back, you 4 know, that initial expense that we're having to pay, 'cause 5 we are housing over 40 now, out-of-county. So, the initial 6 expense does go up drastically for us until all those 7 reimbursements -- and they're -- you know, what they're 8 actually being charged from them comes back. 9 COMMISSIONER LETZ: We just need to get with 10 Tommy and just make sure we can really look at that real 11 carefully during the budget. 12 MR. TOMLINSON: I know the Juvenile Detention 13 Center does the same thing. 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. 15 MR. TOMLINSON: And, there's probably, you 16 know, a 60- to 90-day lag time from the time, you know, we 17 actually get the bill and pay it and get it to the -- the 18 county and them cut us a check and get it back here. So, 19 it's -- 20 COMMISSIONER LETZ: My concern is that this 21 inflates our budget beyond -- more than it should be. 22 SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: It does, but like -- 23 like last year, Commissioner, you know, the County brought 24 in approximately $23,000 in out-of-county housing. This 25 year we're going to go well over half a million. 22 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. 2 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 3 comments on Item Number 7? If not, all in favor, raise your 4 right hand. 5 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 6 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 7 (No response.) 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Number 8 is 9 for the Constable, Precinct 2. 10 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. This is a request from 11 the constable to add $500 to his -- his budget for fuel and 12 oil. And, I did a background on this, and in the budget 13 hearings last year, this request was made at that time, and 14 it was requested as part of the travel allowance. And, 15 the -- and the public officials' salaries and travel 16 allowance was published before this issue was brought to the 17 table, and so when -- after it was published, we couldn't do 18 anything, and so it -- the $500 request fell through the 19 cracks. And so what this request is, is to -- is to add the 20 $500 to his budget, but to add it to -- to Fuel and Oil 21 rather than Travel, because you can't -- we cannot add it to 22 the Travel line item 'cause of the increase in salary. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: What -- what are the 24 other -- well, go ahead. 25 MR. TOMLINSON: Well, in J.P. 3's budget, 23 1 it's in -- there's -- there's a line item in his budget, I 2 know, for -- I think it's insurance for his vehicle. So, he 3 has the equivalent of $500 in that budget. That's not in 4 this one. 5 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: They have the 6 equivalent? 7 MR. TOMLINSON: Yes. 8 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. And this was 9 something that -- the $500 is not just an add-on; it was in 10 the previous budget before -- 11 MR. TOMLINSON: Yeah. 12 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: -- Constable Ayala -- 13 MR. TOMLINSON: I actually have a copy of his 14 original request here, and it was in his original request. 15 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I so move. 16 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I just have a 17 question. Where is this fuel and oil account? Where -- it 18 said we'd be transferring -- is this a new account? 19 MR. TOMLINSON: Yes, it would be a new 20 account. 21 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: It would be 22 establishing a new account, 'cause I don't see that on 23 the -- 24 MR. TOMLINSON: It's not. 25 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: -- on the list. 24 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Isn't there a gasoline 2 account? Oh, 2 doesn't have a gasoline -- 3 MR. TOMLINSON: Not in that budget. 4 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I was looking at -- 5 Precinct 1 has it, but doesn't use it. Precinct 3 has a 6 gas -- gasoline amount in their budget. 7 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I'll second the 8 motion. 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 10 Williams, second by Commissioner Griffin, that we approve 11 Budget Amendment Request Number 8. Any further questions or 12 comments? 13 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Comment. We really 14 need to straighten that one out in the process. 15 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Sure. 16 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Let's get them all 17 apples equals apples. 18 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: They all ought to be 19 uniform. 20 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 21 comments? 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I -- I'll go along with 23 it, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go along with this $500 24 in the budget -- during the budget process. 'Cause, I mean, 25 I'm -- my gut feeling is that we're raising 2 above the 25 1 other precincts. 2 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's why they all 3 ought to be uniform. We'll hear them at one time. 4 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 5 comments? Good discussion. If not, all in favor, raise 6 your right hand. 7 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 9 (No response.) 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carried. Item Number 11 9 is for the J.P., Precinct 1. 12 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. This is a request from 13 Judge Elliott to transfer $50.40 from Software Maintenance 14 into Part-Time Salaries. He has a bill to Merritt Personnel 15 Services for $80.80. 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So moved. 17 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 19 Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Williams, that the Court 20 approve Budget Amendment Request Number 9. Any further 21 questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your 22 right hand. 23 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 25 (No response.) 26 1 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Item Number 2 10, I guess, would be for Nondepartmental. 3 MR. TOMLINSON: No. Actually, it's for the 4 1998 tax note. 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: Right. 6 MR. TOMLINSON: And, we're going to have to 7 declare an emergency on this one to -- to pay this bill, and 8 it's -- it's a -- for $768.50 to -- to Chase -- Chase 9 Manhattan Bank, and it's for services for -- they're the 10 paying agent on this bond. And it's an item that we didn't 11 budget originally. 12 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 13 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner Letz, 15 seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court declare a 16 budget emergency and transfer $768.50 from Fund 61, Surplus 17 Funds, to Expense Code 61-647-665 for service fees related 18 to the 1998 Tax Anticipation Note. Any further questions or 19 comments? 20 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I have one question. 21 Tommy, is this a one-time thing, or will it be recurring 22 again next year? 23 MR. TOMLINSON: It will happen next year. 24 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 27 1 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 2 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 4 (No response.) 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Item Number 6 11 for the Sheriff's Department. 7 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. This is a request 8 from -- from the Sheriff to transfer $2,298.10 from the 9 Radio Equipment line item to Vehicle Repairs and 10 Maintenance. Actually, I have a bill for that exact amount 11 from -- to Krauss Garage. 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Questions or comments? 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So moved. 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 16 Williams, seconded by Commissioner Letz, that the Court 17 approve Budget Amendment Request Number 11 for Sheriff's 18 Department and authorize a hand check in the amount of 19 $2,298.10 payable to Krauss Garage. Any further questions 20 or comments? 21 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Comment. This is 22 another one we've got to look at very carefully in the 23 budget process, because there's not going to be that endless 24 pot of money called Radio Equipment next year. 25 SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: Oh, darn. What this is, 28 1 we cut the -- we cut the vehicle maintenance in that budget 2 over half last year, from 40-something thousand, because of 3 the new cars. Of course, I didn't count on the deer and a 4 couple other accidents and maintenance, and I really wasn't 5 expecting it to go up. So, it's one of those where we're 6 trying to adjust it correctly with the new cars, so it's 7 still half of what it was last year, but I'm above what I 8 was estimating this year. 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 10 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 11 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 13 (No response.) 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Finally, 15 Number 12 for Special Projects. 16 MR. TOMLINSON: Yeah. We have a bill from 17 TexDOT for $12,000, and it's -- it's for the Hermann Sons 18 Bridge project. We have -- we have to have to it them 19 before July 26th, so I'm asking for a transfer of $12,000 20 from the High Water Bridge line item to Hermann Sons Road. 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Question first, if I 22 might. The -- a lot of the -- well, since that was taken 23 out by a flood, and we will have other expenditures next 24 year, I want to make sure that, you know, we're not -- we 25 have some flexibility as to where this money comes from in 29 1 the future. The construction of the new bridge, when it 2 comes out, which I guess this is part of that, does it fit 3 better under Special Projects, or is it under flood damage? 4 'Cause flood damage is one of those. 5 MR. TOMLINSON: I think it probably fits 6 better in Special Projects. I mean, and my way of thinking 7 is that the flood fund is -- is a contingency for -- for 8 something that we may have to -- to go to the well for 9 immediately. So, if you can plan for it, I think it -- in 10 my mind, it needs to be in this fund. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: But, the -- the flood 12 fund you can only access with a flood, which -- which this 13 was. I mean, it just seems to me that -- and didn't we -- I 14 believe we took some of the money out of that fund. 15 MR. TOMLINSON: Yes, we did. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: The temporary bridge came 17 out of the flood account. 18 MR. TOMLINSON: Almost $49,000. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. So, you think that 20 the permanent replacement, which this is part of that -- 21 MR. TOMLINSON: That's right. 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: -- should come out of the 23 Special Projects? 24 MR. TOMLINSON: I think so. 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 30 1 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I have a question on 2 the other side of the equation. We've earmarked $200,000 3 for the High Water Bridge, no matter when it's built. Is 4 that a certain amount that we need, or an estimated amount 5 we need, or are we diminishing our reserves for that, which 6 have to be refunded in the future? 7 MR. TOMLINSON: Well, it can go back -- it 8 will revert to surplus at the end of this year, what the 9 remaining part of it is. 10 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. 11 MR. TOMLINSON: We would -- we -- if we want 12 to budget $200,000 for next year, we just budget $200,000. 13 I did talk to the engineers about -- about this line item, 14 because I wanted to know before the end of this year whether 15 we're going to spend the $200,000, and they said definitely 16 not. So -- 17 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: By the way, TexDOT has 18 bought off on the plan, and the real public hearing on that 19 has been scheduled for later this month -- or August. Yeah, 20 August. 21 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Would that suggested 22 timeline remain firm or get pushed back? 23 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Well -- 24 JUDGE HENNEKE: I think it's going to remain 25 firm. 31 1 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: It's going to remain 2 firm, but that's still a 2003 start? 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: It's -- the contract is 4 September of '03 -- no, September of '02. Right. We're 5 getting far afield here. 6 MR. TOMLINSON: I would like a hand check for 7 this $12,000, so -- since it's due before -- 8 COMMISSIONER LETZ: That was included in the 9 motion. 10 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: And I'll second the 11 motion. 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner Letz, 13 second by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court approve 14 Budget Amendment Request Number 12 and authorize a hand 15 check in the amount of $12,000 payable to Texas Department 16 of Transportation. Any further questions or comments? If 17 not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 18 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 19 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 20 (No response.) 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Any late 22 bills? Hand checks? 23 MR. TOMLINSON: Yes. Yes, I do. I have -- 24 first one is to Hyatt Regency for $245.50 for the County 25 Clerk's election conference. Actually, Jannett, is that for 32 1 two? 2 MS. PIEPER: Yes. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 4 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner Letz, 6 second by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court authorize a 7 hand checks in the amount of $245.50 payable to Hyatt 8 Regency for the County Clerk's conference fund. Any 9 questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your 10 right hand. 11 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 13 (No response.) 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. 15 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. The next one is to the 16 Secretary of State, Elections Division, for $170, and that's 17 also for the same conference. 18 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. 19 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 20 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner Letz, 21 second by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court authorize a 22 hand check in the amount of $170 payable to Secretary of 23 State, Elections Division. Any questions or comments? If 24 not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 25 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 33 1 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 2 (No response.) 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. 4 MR. TOMLINSON: Okay. The next one is 5 payable to Rick Carter for $137.20. It's to reimburse him 6 for travel to -- attending a school in San Marcos. 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm sorry, who was it 8 for? 9 MR. TOMLINSON: Rick Carter. 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, yeah. So moved. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Second. 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 13 Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Williams, that the Court 14 authorize a hand check in the amount of $137.20 payable to 15 Rick Carter as reimbursement for travel expenses. Any 16 questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your 17 right hand. 18 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 19 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 20 (No response.) 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. 22 MR. TOMLINSON: The last one I have is 23 payable to Texas Association of Counties Post-Legislative 24 Conference, and it's a request from the District Clerk, and 25 it's for $195 for the -- for the conference in August. 34 1 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So moved. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 4 Williams, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, that the Court 5 authorize a check in the amount of $195 payable to the Texas 6 Association of Counties, Post-legislative conference on 7 behalf of the District Clerk, Linda Uecker. Any questions 8 or comments? 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Comment, that anybody 10 that's going to that thing better get signed up. Rooms are 11 hard to find up there. 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 13 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 14 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 16 (No response.) 17 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. At this 18 time, I'd entertain a motion to waive reading and approve 19 the minutes from the June 11th and June 25th Commissioners 20 Court meetings. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So moved. 22 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. 23 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 24 Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court 25 waive reading and approve the minutes of the regular session 35 1 held on Monday, June the 11th, Year 2001, and the special 2 session held on Monday, June 25, Year 2001. Any questions 3 or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 4 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 6 (No response.) 7 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Okay. Let's 8 go to the consideration agenda. Item Number 1, consider and 9 discuss the appointment of election judges and alternates 10 for the county elections, per Election Code Section 32.002. 11 Jannett, do you want to say anything about this? 12 MS. PIEPER: Gentlemen, this is just our 13 yearly formality that we have to do every July. The list is 14 a list of alternates and election judges that are presented 15 from each county chair. This is their list they submit to 16 me, then I submit it to y'all. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Some brand-new names. 18 Brand-new. 19 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I'll move that we 20 approve the appointments as submitted. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I second that motion. 22 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 23 Griffin, second by Commissioner Baldwin, that the Court 24 appoint the election judges and alternates for the county 25 elections as recommended by the County Clerk. 36 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: One comment. I believe 2 in 107, you should add another T for Betty; it's spelled 3 incorrectly. 4 MS. PIEPER: Right. I'll correct it. 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 6 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 7 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 9 (No response.) 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you, 12 Commissioner Letz. 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: Item Number 2 is consider and 14 discuss an invitation to the South Texas County Judges and 15 Commissioners Association to conduct its 2003 meeting in 16 Kerrville and to be the host for Commissioners Court Night, 17 and to make a formal presentation to the Association's Site 18 Selection Committee during its meeting in Beaumont. 19 Commissioner Baldwin? 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I couldn't have said 21 it better myself, Judge. Next week I will be making a 22 presentation to the committee down there, asking them to 23 vote for Kerrville to bring the South Texas Association's 24 annual conference to Kerrville in 2003, and if you find a 25 soft spot in your hearts and approve this letter, we want to 37 1 make 10 copies and take it over to the district bureau this 2 afternoon so that we can include it in a whole packet. And, 3 I'll be making that presentation in Beaumont Wednesday, and 4 what that consists of is we fill up a -- the Association 5 fills up a lot of hotel rooms in Kerrville, and -- and this 6 court -- and this courthouse would be very, very active. 7 Thea has basically done two of these in previous years, and 8 it's a lot of fun and it's a -- it's good for our community. 9 And I -- and being the president and appointing the 10 committees, I think I have it stacked this time, so I'm 11 pretty sure we're coming to Kerrville in 2003. So, this 12 letter is to the chairman of that committee, just letting 13 her know that -- or letting the committee know that this 14 Commissioners Court supports -- supports that -- that 15 request. And, if you're going to go through that letter, 16 the second paragraph drastically needs some work done. 17 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I just had that 18 thought. 19 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I knew it was going to 20 come from one of you. 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: I take that as a motion? 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I move that we do it. 23 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'll second the 24 motion. 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 38 1 Baldwin, second by Commissioner Williams, that the Court 2 extend an invitation to the South Texas County Judges and 3 Commissioners Association to conduct the Association's Year 4 2003 meeting in Kerrville, for the Commissioners Court to be 5 the host for Commissioners Court Night, and authorize a 6 formal presentation to the Site Selection Committee. Any 7 further questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise 8 your right hand. 9 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 11 (No response.) 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. All right. 13 Should be fun. Item Number 3, consider and discuss the 14 allocation of storage space in the lower basement annex. 15 Commissioner Baldwin. 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you, sir. I 17 recently had a visit with the Kerr County Tax Assessor/ 18 Collector, and because of a previous conversation -- and in 19 your packet is a copy of the minutes of -- of the previous 20 conversation about storage space for her in the basement 21 area. And, she was not concerned, but was just wondering, 22 you know, how -- how far and how fast are we willing to move 23 along? And so, number one, I put it on the agenda so 24 that -- that the honorable Paula Rector could come in and 25 just tell us what -- what she expects. But, I wanted to say 39 1 to you that, personally, I think -- and I think that we 2 eventually will move forward with her request. Personally, 3 I think that it is something that we need to plan on and 4 take a long look at the space downstairs. There is some 5 good space -- I think excellent space for a storage area 6 down there, but it -- we need to coordinate it with all the 7 other offices in the courthouse. And I think it would 8 probably -- in my mind, probably be a budgeted item, because 9 of -- I'll guarantee it will be, but -- because we're 10 talking about building probably not just a large storage 11 area, but probably some individual storage areas. And, I 12 think Paula's going to explain -- explain that and what 13 her -- her needs might be. Mrs. Rector? Would you like to 14 come forward? 15 MS. RECTOR: I'm not prepared for this. 16 Commissioner Baldwin and I had discussed this last week, and 17 it came out of the discussion several court meetings ago 18 about the allotted space, and I had asked the Court to 19 consider leaving me some area downstairs to be able to move 20 some of my permanent records that I feel need to be kept 21 on-site and in a more climate-controlled environment than 22 where my records are currently stored, which have 23 deteriorated to the point where they're just -- they're not 24 much use to us. But, they are permanent records that have 25 to be kept indefinitely, such as tax rolls, voter 40 1 registration lists from general elections, that type of 2 thing, which do not need to be in my office, but need to be 3 where I can -- can get to them without having to travel out 4 and dig through a bunch of stuff. That would free up that 5 back area -- a lot of that back area for me to be able to 6 rearrange it and make it a more workable, usable area in the 7 back. 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any questions? 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I had -- I had one 10 question. This deterioration that you're talking about of 11 your records, is that due to some kind of climate control? 12 Or is that due to -- 13 MS. RECTOR: Originally -- and I think you 14 were here back then -- our storage used to be behind 15 Farmer's Grain. 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I remember. 17 MS. RECTOR: There was -- you know, in the 18 summers it's very, very hot; in the winters it's very, very 19 cold. There were rats and mice and who knows what else in 20 there, and a lot of those old records were damaged. And 21 then they were moved over to that other metal barn or metal 22 facility on Schreiner Street, where there was not any 23 climate control there, and they continued to deteriorate 24 there, and now they're -- they've been moved out to the Law 25 Enforcement Center. So, those records are remaining there, 41 1 but the ones that I do have on-site, some of them go back to 2 the late 1800's, and they're still in excellent shape 3 because we've kept them on-site in a more controlled 4 environment. And that's what I would like to see happen 5 here instead of moving them. 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And she said to me 7 that -- and correct me if I'm wrong here -- that the climate 8 control is important, and some security is important. 9 MS. RECTOR: Right. 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: A lock on a door, but 11 it could be even a -- like, a wire cage-type thing. 12 MS. RECTOR: Right. We had even discussed 13 just even a cage-type thing to -- to house those records in. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, I'm going to go 15 back to my opening comment. I think it's a budgeted issue 16 -- a budget issue and a coordination issue. I don't think 17 that we'll just run down there and build one right now. I 18 think that we need to plan it and do it -- 19 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: A step. 20 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'm glad you said 21 that. 22 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I think it's -- 23 there's not a question that this is one of the things we 24 have to accommodate when we do -- when we do that. 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Mm-hmm. 42 1 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Not only -- 2 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: It's a high priority, 3 storage items. 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Not only for Paula, 5 but for the Treasurer, payroll records; all of those things 6 are permanent records that need to be -- 7 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Well, that's what I'm 8 saying. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: -- in a good, dry 10 storage area. Are you talking about maybe one large area to 11 accommodate all of this? Or -- certainly not separate areas 12 for each? 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: No, there's an area 14 down there that's kind of -- you know, you're putting your 15 Christmas tree items -- stuff in that kind of a hallway. 16 Where -- where that hallway spills out into the lower level 17 there, there is a large room that is not designated for 18 anything, and I can -- in my mind, I can kind of see a 19 little storage office-looking thing with the alleyway and 20 all that kind of thing. 21 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: And it would be 22 separate, 'cause you have to separate them for security. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, absolutely. 24 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: But that's not a big 25 expense. That's another wire wall or whatever kind of 43 1 construction you use. 2 MS. RECTOR: Well, I had also discussed with 3 Commissioner Baldwin that I'm not in a big hurry. 4 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's a good thing. 5 MS. RECTOR: I just wanted to know that I 6 have some designated space there for the future. Then I can 7 start planning what I'm going to do in the back of my 8 office. I know that Maintenance is very busy, and when this 9 all comes together, I'd like to have a designated area 10 there. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think -- I mean, for 12 the budget process, if you can come up with a square footage 13 that you need, and then we can get that same information 14 from the other department heads who may have storage, then 15 we can start planning it during the budget phase, at least 16 how much it's going to cost. 17 MS. RECTOR: Okay. Fine with me. 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: Thank you, Paula. 19 MS. RECTOR: Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you. 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: With the Court's indulgence, 22 we have our Designated Representative here to talk about 23 Item Number 6, which is the inspection fee, so I'd like to 24 skip to that before we do the public hearing. So, let's go 25 to Item Number 6, which is consider and discuss approving 44 1 and adopting the interim fee schedule for O.S.S.F. real 2 estate transfers, to be effective from adoption through 3 September 30, Year 2001. Commissioner Griffin? 4 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. You'll recall 5 that when we approved the procedures and when we approved 6 the -- the order that contained the Section 10 regarding 7 real estate transfer, that we did not at that time establish 8 any fees for those inspections and so on. Subject to that, 9 and earlier this week, I got with the D.R. and staff and 10 went through what we thought were reasonable fees, and -- 11 and that's what you'll see on this list here that we've 12 supplied. Actually, some of these fees on here are already 13 set in our previous order, but the ones like applications 14 for transfer and the site inspection and report, those top 15 two and the bottom one, the septic license search, we did 16 not have on the -- on the schedule. So, what this does is 17 fills in the blanks, and my proposal would be that we would 18 make these -- these fees effective until the end of this 19 fiscal year, because in the process of doing the new D.R. 20 contract, we're going to review all of the fees, including 21 these. But, these are reasonable, I think, and it will 22 cover our cost for the program, and I will make a motion 23 that we adopt the fees as presented. 24 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: This is only until 25 September the 30th, at which time they'll be reviewed for 45 1 the ensuing budget year? 2 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Right, for all of the 3 fees, not just -- not just the real estate transfer, but 4 we're going to look at all the fees as a part of that new 5 contract. And we need to -- we just need a fee to fill in 6 until we do that. 7 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So moved. 8 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I've already moved. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Oh. Second. 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner 11 Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Williams, that the Court 12 approve and adopt the interim fee schedule for O.S.S.F. real 13 estate transfers as presented. Any questions or comments? 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Question. So, Number 15 1, Number 2, and Number 7 are not in place as of yet? 16 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Right. And, what 17 about Number 6? We don't -- 18 MR. BARRON: If I can look at your -- 19 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: That's the document -- 20 document revision fee. That one I didn't recognize off the 21 old list. 22 MR. BARRON: Yes, it was actually on there 23 also. 24 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Oh, okay. 25 MR. BARRON: It just wasn't called that. 46 1 It's just a name change. The fee stays the same. 2 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Fee stays the same. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Are you talking about 4 Number 6? 5 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Right. 6 MR. BARRON: Yes. 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, Number 7 is not a 8 reality as of this point right here? If I would have 9 approached -- or a citizen would have approached you before 10 now and asked you about a septic system somewhere, and you 11 had to research it, you couldn't charge them $10? 12 MR. BARRON: That is correct. 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. Thank you. 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any other questions or 15 comments? 16 MR. BARRON: The reason that we put that one 17 in there is because we have numerous different real estate 18 offices that call -- the different people in the office call 19 four or five times a day sometimes; they get different hits 20 on it. They want us to look and see if they have a system. 21 Just to help us cut down on our paperwork and make them 22 share information better amongst themselves. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm going to hand you 24 an address and ask you to tell me what's going on there. 25 Actually, Commissioner Williams put me up to it, so are you 47 1 going to charge him 10 bucks? I know you wouldn't do that 2 to me, but would you -- nevermind, but I -- seriously, I do 3 have an address I need to hand you. 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Send me a bill. 5 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Question on the -- to me, 6 isn't that County -- we're requiring those things, so it's 7 County public records. I don't see how you can charge a fee 8 for someone to do a search. 9 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: The difference there 10 is in relation to a property transfer. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right, but if we have -- 12 if we -- this county has mandated you have a licensed 13 system, which we've done, that's public record. You can't 14 charge people to access that public record. 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: No, but you can charge them 16 for the service of the staff accessing the public records. 17 If they want to go to the U.G.R.A. and go through the 18 records themselves, there's no charge for that, but most of 19 them won't do that. And I think what our D.R. is telling us 20 is that most of the requests he's getting are not from 21 citizens, per se, but from real estate offices. 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. That's okay, as 23 long as they're open to the public to go look through, if 24 they want to walk in and go through the files. 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Which they are. This is for 48 1 the service in searching, instead of them coming over and 2 doing the labor on their own. 3 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: And this is 4 probably -- in many cases, it doesn't cover the real cost 5 either, if you got a tough one. But that's a reasonable -- 6 10 bucks is not unreasonable. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I get -- may be getting a 8 little bit off, but why is it so hard to find them? Why 9 can't you just go through our files, put them on a computer, 10 and say, "This property has a license, this property 11 doesn't"? I mean, how is it -- I don't see why -- I mean, 12 I've never looked. But, by looking around the table, I see 13 everyone -- this is a major job to find this. I don't see 14 why it should be a major job to find out if we have a 15 license. 16 MR. BARRON: The name of the people changes 17 from -- from a system when they transfer them. Some of the 18 road names change. There's -- there could be all types of 19 different scenarios. The property will sell, different 20 surveys that you have to look through to find out what 21 actually the number is on there. There's been all kind of 22 different scenarios as to why -- why they're difficult. 23 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: You don't want to take 24 staff time. They do the search. 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: I think your point is 49 1 well-taken, that given technology today, there should be a 2 way that we can do an index. 3 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I think we'll get all 4 the road name changes done -- 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: With a site index or computer 6 index, it will be much easier to find them. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Maybe charge -- I mean, 8 this is getting off the subject, but to the Tax 9 Assessor's -- Appraisal District, I mean, their record 10 numbers, 'cause they keep track of all the properties and 11 ownership and just -- 12 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I think they're keying 13 those now by the R numbers as we convert the files. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Which brings up 15 another point. At some point, we need to put these people 16 and the Appraisal District and all of these offices together 17 so that they can index each other. 18 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yeah. 19 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: There's still -- I 20 know the Appraisal District talks -- 21 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Shaun, can we do that? 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Appraisal District 23 talks about it to me all the time. It's just, you know, if 24 we can somehow put all these things together, it makes it a 25 lot easier -- 50 1 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Sure. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- to plug in. So -- 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: We have a motion and a 4 second. Are there any further questions or comments on this 5 issue? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 6 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 7 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 8 (No response.) 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. We have a 10 couple of minutes before we start our public hearing. Let's 11 take up Item Number 5, if we could, Commissioner Griffin. 12 This is Item Number 5, consider and discuss creating a 13 Justice Court Technology Fund, and requiring certain 14 convicted defendants to pay court costs for deposit in the 15 fund in accordance with House Bill 177. 16 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. This was brought 17 to my attention by -- by Shaun P. Branham, our computer 18 specialist. And he had, I think, talked with Jannett, and 19 this -- this bill, a copy of which you have in your packets, 20 authorizes the Commissioners Court to create this fund. 21 And, I've also -- since I prepared that backup, I now have 22 Legislative Budget Board's analysis, and the bill analysis 23 of the enclosed version that indicate that this, by the way, 24 Shaun, is for Justice of the Peace courts only, and it has 25 to be used for Justice of the Peace courts. And, it looks 51 1 like, to me, it's one of those things we might want to look 2 at, because according to the survey that was done by the 3 Legislative Budget Board, two of our four Justices of the 4 Peace responded to a questionnaire of what kind of revenues 5 would this yield, and that would be $7,312 a year for the 6 two precincts who responded from Kerr County. If we figure 7 that those are about the same in all four precincts, then 8 we're looking at about 14,500 bucks that this fund could 9 generate a year for all of the technology things you see 10 listed in the bill for the J.P. courts. So, I thought it -- 11 even if we -- if we want to research this some more, have 12 our County Attorney look at it, I think it's pretty 13 straightforward. We don't have to vote on this today, 14 because it's not effective until September 1st. If you want 15 to take some more time and look at it, we could, but I think 16 it looks like a pretty good thing, to me. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I agree. 18 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: To cover the cost -- 19 and, by the way, one of the background reasons for this was 20 that in most counties in Texas, there is at least two or 21 three precincts that aren't at the courthouse. That's why. 22 The J.P.'s are not at the courthouse; same situation we 23 have. So -- and municipal courts had a previous bill that 24 allowed them to charge this fee, so municipal courts in 25 cities have been able to do it. This extends that same 52 1 thing to the counties. And, I would move that we -- 2 (Cell phone ringing in courtroom.) 3 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: If -- without further 4 comment, I would move that we -- that we -- 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: Excuse me. Whoever has that 6 needs to leave and leave it outside, okay? 7 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: We need to -- I would 8 make the motion that we create a Justice Court Technology 9 Fund, as established by House Bill 177, effective 10 September 1st of 2001. 11 JUDGE HENNEKE: I presume that your motion is 12 that we would charge a technology fee of $4 as authorized? 13 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: By the bill. 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: In Section B. 15 COMMISSIONER LETZ: That covers all 16 misdemeanors? 17 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. 18 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Convictions? 19 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yeah, all convictions. 20 And that's all that is. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 22 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 23 Griffin, second by Commissioner Baldwin, that the Court 24 establish a Justice Court Technology Fund effective 25 September 1st, Year 2001, to be funded by a $4 fee to be 53 1 assessed against any individual convicted of a misdemeanor 2 offense in a justice court in Kerr County. 3 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Judge, let me ask a 4 quick question, 'cause I may want to amend that motion. 5 Would it be better, from a bookkeeping point of view, if we 6 made it effective October 1st so it lines up with our fiscal 7 year? 8 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes. 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: We'd lose a month worth of 10 funds then. 11 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yeah. Just a 12 question. If it creates -- 13 MR. TOMLINSON: We -- you'd have -- it would 14 be difficult to spend. 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: We couldn't spend it, but we 16 could start accruing the money. That's $15,000. 17 MR. TOMLINSON: Well, I don't know. I don't 18 know which J.P.'s responded. I have an idea that it has 19 something to do -- 20 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: We're going to do it 21 for all of them. 22 MR. TOMLINSON: But -- yeah, it would cause 23 a -- an accounting problem. I mean, I would rather start it 24 October 1st. 25 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I'd like to amend my 54 1 motion to make it effective October 1st. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. I agree. 3 JUDGE HENNEKE: The motion's been amended to 4 make it October 1st, in lieu of September 1st. Any further 5 questions or comments? If not, all in favor, raise your 6 right hand. 7 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 9 (No response.) 10 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. The hour 11 being 10 o'clock, at this time, we will recess the 12 Commissioners Court meeting and open a public hearing 13 concerning road name changes in accordance with the Kerr 911 14 guidelines adopted by this court. 15 (The regular Commissioners Court meeting was closed at 10:00 a.m., and a public hearing 16 was held in open court, as follows:) 17 P U B L I C H E A R I N G 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: These are road name changes 19 in Precinct 1 and 2. Before we begin the public hearing, 20 I'd ask if either Commissioner Baldwin or Commissioner 21 Williams have any comments or corrections to the list as 22 published in the newspaper. 23 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I have one, Judge. 24 There seems to be some confusion about the lead item in 25 Precinct 2, Ace Ranch Road. That was in error. It wasn't 55 1 intended to change Ace Ranch Road. Our intention was to 2 change -- what was the name of it? Street? 3 MS. HARDIN: Ace Ranch Lane. 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Ace Ranch Lane, which 5 is a small crossover street, and not the main street running 6 into Ace Ranch. And, so, that is one change. And I had a 7 letter from Wilma Palmer suggesting that if we change that 8 crossover street, that we name it Gary Cross Road, as 9 opposed to Cross Way East, as has been proposed. And then 10 the other one in Precinct 2 has to do with what is 11 advertised as Front Street being changed to Kelly Street 12 East. It should have been North Street being changed to 13 Kelly Street East. Those are my only comments. 14 JUDGE HENNEKE: Commissioner Baldwin? 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, sir, I do have a 16 couple here. Monroe Drive -- as some of you know, there are 17 two Monroe Drives, and that's the reason we're changing one. 18 And there's been just a -- a confusion on which one we're 19 changing. But on the list here, we have -- actually have 20 both of them, or at one time we had both Monroe Drives on 21 there that we were changing, but we are not changing the 22 first -- as you're going out Ranchero Road and cross the 23 bridge and turn right on ranch -- on Monroe Drive, that road 24 is not changing. The second one is. And so that's -- 25 that's South Monroe Drive is changing to Michon Drive South. 56 1 And then there was another correction. Canyon View -- 2 changing Canyon View to Tilly Road North, just completely 3 scratch that. That is not going to happen. And, basically, 4 that's it. There's a couple of -- you know, changing from 5 roads to drives and that kind of thing, but it's a -- 6 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: That one's not in the 7 list, that last one. It's not on the paper. 8 MS. HARDIN: If you look on your second -- on 9 your acceptance agenda item. 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Commissioner, it was 11 in the first -- 12 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Oh, okay. 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- newspaper article. 14 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Okay. So, the second 15 agenda item is now done, right? 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's correct. 17 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Okay. 18 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, basically, that's 19 it. 20 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Judge I have a -- 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: But we're in a public 22 hearing. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I know, but I have a 24 question about those changes. I don't see how we can change 25 the two that are in Precinct 2, because they're different 57 1 roads. I mean, I don't see how we can announce that it's 2 Ace Ranch Lane to Ace Ranch Road. We published Ace Ranch 3 Road. I don't see how you can make that change as a minor 4 change, because it's a different road. I think the same 5 goes with North Street and Front Street. One, we're not 6 changing the roads that we said we're changing, and 7 therefore public notice wasn't given on those two roads. 8 JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, those two, to me, have 9 to be pulled. 10 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, if we have to 11 pull them and bring them back, fine, but it was our error. 12 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I understand that, but -- 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We misrepresented it. 14 Is that correct? And so what we're doing is correcting our 15 error. 16 JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, but the point that 17 Commissioner Letz is making is that the roads that are 18 actually having their names changed are different from the 19 roads that were published in the public notice, and so 20 you're actually acting on roads -- road names that were not 21 given to the public for purposes of -- of this hearing. 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: We just need to delete 23 Ace Ranch Road and -- 24 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: We can do those next 25 time. 58 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: -- do them on the next 2 one, when we put the right names down. It's a minor 3 technicality, but I think -- 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Whatever. If we have 5 to do it that way and readvertise it, we will, and we'll 6 come back with it as Ace Ranch Lane being changed to Gary 7 Cross Road. Is that correct? Is that what you prefer? 8 MS. PALMER: 'Cause I don't see why it can't 9 be left Ace Ranch Lane. That's what it was named in the 10 beginning. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, 'cause 911 says 12 we've got a confusing -- too much Ace Ranches. 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: And North Street to Kelly 14 Street will have to come back as well. 15 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay, that's fine. 16 MS. PALMER: But the new name's all right 17 with us. 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: All right. Is there any -- 19 any members of the public who'd like to address the Court on 20 the proposed road name changes as -- particularly in light 21 of the corrections that will be -- that were outlined and 22 that will be made in the actual adoption? Once again, this 23 is a public hearing. Is there anyone from the public who'd 24 like to address the Court on the issue of the road name 25 changes as published in the newspaper, and in light of the 59 1 discussion on the Court? 2 MS. PALMER: Well, you are going to leave Ace 3 Ranch Road alone? 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes, ma'am. 5 MS. PALMER: Is that right? 6 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We're not changing 7 Ace Ranch Road. 8 MS. PALMER: Okay. Thank you much. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It's not proposed to 10 do that. 11 MS. PALMER: Okay. 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Are there any other public 13 comments? 14 (No response.) 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: One more time, is there any 16 other member of the public who'd like to address the Court 17 on the issue of road name changes in Precinct 1 and Precinct 18 2 as published in the paper? Seeing none, we will conclude 19 the public hearing on this issue. 20 (The public hearing was concluded at 10:05 a.m., and the regular Commissioners Court 21 meeting was reopened.) 22 - - - - - - - - - - 23 JUDGE HENNEKE: We'll take up Item Number 24 9 -- return to the Commissioners Court meeting and take up 25 Item Number 9, which is consider the adoption of road name 60 1 changes discussed in the public hearing, in accordance with 2 the guidelines of Kerr 911. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I move that we 4 adopt the schedule that's -- that's provided here with this. 5 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: With -- is that with 6 the exception of Ace Ranch? 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's true. I'm 8 sorry, yes. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We're going to have 10 to, yeah, move two of them out of there; come back at a 11 later date, then. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's true. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We'll come back with 14 Ace Ranch Lane and come back with North Street. 15 MS. HARDIN: Do we not need to come back with 16 the South Monroe, too? 17 JUDGE HENNEKE: No, 'cause that's the right 18 name. Just -- 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: As long as the name we're 20 changing is correct, we can change it in court. We just -- 21 but we need to make sure -- 22 MS. HARDIN: But it's not correct. South 23 Monroe -- it was advertised as Monroe to be changed to 24 Michon, and it's actually South Monroe that's being changed 25 to Michon. 61 1 JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, but the point is, South 2 Monroe was identified as a name -- as a road whose name was 3 going to be changed. 4 MS. HARDIN: Okay. 5 JUDGE HENNEKE: The problem with the two in 6 Precinct 2 was the correct road was not identified in the 7 public hearing. So, we're okay. Is that a second, 8 Commissioner Williams, with the deletion of those two? 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: With the deletion of 10 those two in Precinct 2. 11 JUDGE HENNEKE: We have a motion by 12 Commissioner Baldwin, second by Commissioner Williams, to 13 approve the name changes in Precinct 1 and Precinct 2, with 14 the deletion for this consideration of Ace Ranch Lane and 15 North Street in Precinct 2. Any more questions about what 16 we're doing now in court? 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I want to ask Road and 18 Bridge, does this complete Precinct 1? 19 MS. HARDIN: Except for the unnamed roads. 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. 21 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And Precinct 2 will 22 come back with two changes next time, readvertising -- we 23 have to readvertise them, I take it? 24 MS. HARDIN: Actually, Ace Ranch Lane is not 25 a County-maintained road, and so therefore does not need a 62 1 public hearing. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Good. 3 MS. HARDIN: So we can just do it on the next 4 list of roads. 5 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Just wanted to be 6 sure that the folks at Ace Ranch are comfortable with this. 7 MS. HARDIN: Okay. And then Front, we'll put 8 on with the precincts, too. We'll just wait and do it with 9 3 and 4. 10 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's fine. 11 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Okay. 12 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 13 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 14 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 16 (No response.) 17 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Let's take 18 an early break today and come back, please, at 10:20. 19 (Recess taken from 10:10 a.m. to 10:25 a.m.) 20 - - - - - - - - - - 21 JUDGE HENNEKE: Let's convene this session of 22 the Kerr County Commissioners -- reconvene this session of 23 Kerr County Commissioners Court, and take up Item Number 4, 24 which is an information item relating to the proposed 25 preliminary timeline for the Kerrville South Wastewater 63 1 Project, and division of responsibilities between Kerr 2 County and the other entities. Commissioner Williams? 3 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Last week, the Judge 4 and I met with representatives of U.G.R.A., Groves 5 Engineering, and Grantworks, and preliminary -- the real 6 reason for all of that was to make certain we understood the 7 division of responsibility, who's doing what, and in a sense 8 establish a preliminary timeline. This grant prepared by 9 Grantworks charts -- depicts the division of those 10 responsibilities, who's doing what and the anticipated time 11 for those things to happen. It was a good meeting. There 12 was a lot of -- a lot of anticipation, eager anticipation 13 for this project to get under way. I know we are eager to 14 see it happen and want to see this happen, and the U.G.R.A. 15 is equally responsive and eager to see it happen. 16 Groves Engineering people have begun to do 17 some work. They had done some work for U.G.R.A. in this 18 area before, and so I think we're going to be able to 19 piggyback on some of the work that they've already done. 20 We're going to be doing some research as quickly and as 21 thoroughly as possible with respect to the County's 22 involvement in the Nimitz sewer line; what we spent, how we 23 spent it, and when we spent it, and for the ultimate purpose 24 we've spent it, so that if there's anything available for 25 use in utilization in this project as a result of that, we 64 1 certainly would want to explore that and know what that 2 might be. Other than that, it's pretty straightforward. 3 Our responsibilities are as put down here on this particular 4 chart, and we're off and running. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Commissioner, my -- my 6 question is the same question I asked you in the hallway the 7 other day. It's about the agreements and contracts that we 8 have with -- that we will have with the U.G.R.A., and I'm 9 assuming that Grantworks is doing that? Is that what 10 this -- 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: They're going to 12 prepare the initial draft, so as they see -- as they see 13 that in terms of the requirements of the grant, they'll 14 prepare an initial draft. Then the Judge and I will meet 15 with U.G.R.A. and we'll refine it, and from that it will 16 become an interlocal agreement. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Between us and 18 U.G.R.A.? 19 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Right. We'll be able 20 to tell the Court exactly what's in it and whose 21 responsibilities are what. They will do the initial draft. 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And then the -- what 23 -- is the City of Kerrville involved in any of this in any 24 way? 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Oh, absolutely, City 65 1 of Kerrville is involved. They have indicated verbally on 2 more than one occasion their desire to be the regional 3 wastewater treatment facility, provide those services for a 4 fee, but that will become an interlocal between U.G.R.A. and 5 the City of Kerrville. 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Mm-hmm. Which is in 7 the process, I understand. 8 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: But they -- I did not 10 see that in your chart here, and I was just wondering. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I guess it's not in 12 there, but they know it has to be done and it will be done. 13 But, that's on their timeline; they have to do that. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. 15 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any other questions or 16 comments regarding the timeline? 17 COMMISSIONER LETZ: No. 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. All right. The 19 remaining item on the agenda is Item Number 7, which is an 20 item that was sent to us by Bill Tucker at TexDOT, a 21 resolution to request the State of Texas to declare 22 0.028 acres in the city of Ingram surplus to the needs of 23 the State and quitclaim such property to the abutting 24 landowner. You have in your packets a letter from 25 Mr. Tucker, as well as a resolution he'd like us to adopt. 66 1 Anybody have any questions or comments? 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I just have to 3 be honest with you, I've never seen one of these before. 4 I'm assuming that it's -- the way I see it is that it's 5 State-owned property, and somehow we're getting involved in 6 asking the State to give it back to the -- probably the 7 original property owner, and I -- I don't know. I've just 8 never seen it before -- seen this before. 9 JUDGE HENNEKE: That's my understanding, 10 Commissioner. But, according to Mr. Tucker, this -- this is 11 the pathway that we have to follow -- that TexDOT has to 12 follow in order to deed this land to the abutting landowner. 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Does this landowner 14 request this? Or -- I mean, do they desire it? 15 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Actually, it's TexDOT 16 requesting it. I did -- they want to get rid of it on their 17 books, and so they have -- Bill Tucker says -- I just called 18 him -- says they have to ask -- they have to request the 19 Commissioners Court to do this, and -- which it doesn't make 20 a whole lot of sense to me. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Does -- 22 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: But, I mean, I 23 don't -- I don't oppose us doing a resolution, if that's 24 what Bill Tucker says they need. 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Does Mr. McGrew -- 67 1 does he desire to have the land transferred into his name? 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think the issue -- from 3 dealing with TexDOT on some other things, right-of-way 4 issues with them -- is that there's a building in the 5 right-of-way and they don't -- I suspect TexDOT doesn't want 6 the liability of having a structure in their right-of-way, 7 so they want to get rid of that, and I bet that's what's 8 driving this. Usually they don't give it back, they just 9 keep the land. Since there is a building in the 10 right-of-way, they don't want it. 11 JUDGE HENNEKE: That's true. 12 COMMISSIONER LETZ: And I -- just from 13 dealing with them on other issues, I bet that's the reason. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, I'm -- I just 15 don't understand what Commissioners Court has to do with it. 16 But, I mean, I'll certainly vote for it, but -- 17 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I'll make a motion we 18 sign the resolution, 'cause I don't think it's -- there's 19 no -- we're not encumbering any liability or anything by 20 doing this. So, if Bill Tucker says he needs it, I'm in 21 favor of doing it. I'll make a motion that we sign the 22 resolution. 23 JUDGE HENNEKE: We have a second? 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I second it. 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion by Commissioner 68 1 Griffin, second by Commissioner Baldwin, that the Court 2 adopt the resolution as presented and authorize -- and 3 authorize signature by the Judge and the Commissioners. 4 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I can see the general 5 public reading about this in the paper, saying the 6 Commissioner Court's taking over state property now and 7 giving it -- 8 COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: You know, it came 9 under -- that old portion went to the City of Ingram, too. 10 That's in the resolution. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's the only 12 thing. 13 JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further questions or 14 comments? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. 15 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 16 JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. 17 (No response.) 18 JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Before you 19 guys get away today, please take a moment and sign the 20 resolution. I believe that concludes our business for 21 today. If there's no other business to come before us, we 22 are adjourned. 23 (Commissioners Court adjourned at 10:35 a.m.) 24 - - - - - - - - - - 25 69 1 STATE OF TEXAS | 2 COUNTY OF KERR | 3 The above and foregoing is a true and complete 4 transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as 5 County Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, 6 Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. 7 DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this 9th day of July, 2001. 8 9 10 JANNETT PIEPER, Kerr County Clerk 11 BY: _________________________________ Kathy Banik, Deputy County Clerk 12 Certified Shorthand Reporter 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25